
Mind is a Razorblade

First, I don't understand this "new blogger" business. They made me switch, and if I'm being honest, I have to admit, I didn't really understand the "original blogger" in the first place. The type seems very small, and I don't actually have a "google account". Needless to say, we're totally lost now. It's like my mom trying to order me plane tickets over the phone. ("password???? Car, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN????? WHERE IS OUR PASSWORD????!!!!!)

Second, some things:
There is a snow slope in our back alley. It is more fun than when you were actually 8 years old.
Sub second: I forgot the other things I was going to say. Water under the invisible bridge.

Funny that for no apparent reason, small amounts of beer have gone to my head, and it is late at night, and I was "tagged" to do this thing, which normally I would have thought more about, but under current circumstances I just felt kind of excited that someone would be interested enough in my 'blogging' to involve me in a non-myspace, ok-cupid, what-have-you questionaire, so I'm doing it right now. Right. Now. Questions. Topics. Addressed.

"The Rules : Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own re: 6 weird things, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog."

Six Weird Things About Me

1. I am not afraid of many things, when you get down to it, but I have a giant, non-ironic fear of teeth. Too many teeth. I cannot sit still or fall asleep when I think of too many teeth. My friend Sammy used to taunt me by describing "fields of teeth" or "teeth growing out of arms". He didn't even have to try, really. Something about it makes me want to vomit and cry at the same time. Mostly it makes me want to cry. I can't handle it.

2. I like the smell of dog's breath. I find it comforting. There. I said it in public.

1. SUB ANSWER: I HATE honeycombs. Hate is an understatement. As Liam would describe: "Her reaction to the honeycomb honey in a box that i had bought brought about the idea of torture for the first time in my mind. Dangling the container that contained the honeycomb in it over Carlee's bed as she awoke was the most exciting thing in the world for me." I can't even get into how terrified that made me feel.

3. No one. And I mean NO ONE is allowed to wear socks in bed. Nope. No one. ESPECIALLY if there is sex involved. I won't do it. I will not climb into that bed with you.

4. When I was a little kid I used to have very strong feelings for inatimate objects. Like I used to save the wrappers for things because I thought they had feelings too. I would put them in secret places with my jewelry, and my most prized stuffed animals. I would take them out and pay attention to them like I would my real belongings. I would save them for years.

5. Sometimes I get drunk and, once I'm alone, I sexy dance. Uninhibitedly sexy dance. By myself. Though, come to think of it, that's more embarassing than weird.

6. Occasionally I pluck my leg hairs. For hours. It is unendlessly satisfying.

DVD Extra: I love porn. I love men who can sew. I hate anise flavored things (I think the jury is pretty 50/50 on this in general, but still). I have the entire Sarah McLaughan album "Surfacing" memorized. I tell jokes to myself out loud when I'm alone. Again, more embarassing than weird.

On that note, goodnight, America. I tag Julie-Lou. and Eric, whether or not this still exists., and kitten4evaeva a.k.a. KAT. because they are the only other blogs I know.

1 comment:

Starlet O'Hara said...

re: 3: I remember once you expressing similar sentiments to me regarding the movie Kids. then That 70s Show agreed regarding Annie Hall. I think about this sometimes and never wear socks in bed. So thanks.

re: 4: I did that too. Still do sometimes. If I step on something, I apologize.

re: general love: it exists.