
Slowly Catching On

After several occasions recently of touring through the blogs of people I presumably know and trying to decode who they are, I have started to realize some things about "real-er" blogs.

You never mention your real name.
You do not mention the names of friends and associates.
You do not put pictures up of your face.
You talk about funny or interesting things 80% of the time, and the other 20% is spent making the more serious things sound funny and interesting.

Oh. I get it now. Why did no one tell me these things before I started reffering to myself and all my close friends by name as I re-count the sometimes sad, sometimes sentimental and often mundane events of our lives while displaying a picture of my lesbian-hair-cut-head prominently in the corner?

It's like the kid standing in the hot food line for square pizza, staring at all the other kids with Squeeze-its and Lunchables.

...oh, and that picture? Makes me sad.

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