
Dear Material Obsession: So Many Shoes

My mom used to call me "Imelda Marcos". I thought that was only someone an old person knew about. She owned a lot of shoes, you guys. I don't spend a lot of money on shoes but I acquire them frequently. It's kind of a thing. When I left Brooklyn I had to get rid of almost 50 pairs. It's been a few years now. The reserves are slowly being filled again. Can't stop don't stop won't stop.

I am too cheap to buy real mukluks. So I found these spirit boots for hellllla cheap on ye olde interweb. Gets the job done.

I debated for days about which pair of these Jeffrey Campbell 99's to buy. They're all so bomb (dotcom). Even though wounded foot prevents me from wearing heels very often, these special homies make a nice treat for times with lots of sitting involved.

After cleaning out our foyer I discovered how many shoes were being harbored there. All but 2 pairs were mine. There are, I think, 27 pairs here. This is only half, maybe, of my shoe collection.

Clogs?! Well, kind of clogs. Cool clogs. Pretty real.

I waited years for these boots. They came to me in a free pile when I graduated. I am bad to shoes, so these are almost RIP. I'll wear these trusty steeds until they disintegrate. Try as I might (and I do) no replacement can be found.

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