I mean, there are just so many things I don't get.
Why do I spend all day at my (OLD!) job thinking about all of the things I'm going to write about when I get home, all of the grown-up housely duities I am going to perform, all of the things I will put away and clean and make orderly, all of the career-forwarding emails I will write numbers I will phone call and moves I will make, all of the friends I will reconnect with, all of the things I have made that I will put on the internet for people to look at and buy--why do I spend ten hours thinking about these things, and then get home and sit like a lump on my bed, staring off foggy-eyed, letting my dog lick my nose, trying to remember a single one of those things, but coming up only with the looming loser-inducing issues like "I still have to do my taxes" and "If I'm this tired everyday I will never get anything done and will be a barista for the rest of my life". I don't get it. I don't get where all of those thoughts and ideas and motivations went. I don't get why at 11:00 life feels possible, but by 6:30 I can peel myself off the bed long enough to shuttle dog food from the fridge to the bowl. I.DON'T.GET.IT.
I don't get why people walk into restaraunts and cafes and think it's ok to just put their dirty pedestrian hands all over whatever they want. Instead of first paying for it and waiting for someone who works there to give it to them. ExfuckingSCUSE me? You see a plate of cookies for sale on a counter. You dig through them to find the one you want while waiting in line to order your food? You see a pie of quiche. You scoop your hands into that pie of quiche to find a slice you like, while you wait in line to order your food? Who the fuck do you think you are, buddy? You disgusting clueless moron. Not even a sneeze guard keeps people away. I have seen people reach OVER the sneeze guard to try and get at a muffin or tart that they just can't POSSIBLY wait to be served because their very important and entitled and gluttonous and EMBARASSING. Some people don't understand logic about dining out, and I don't get it. I don't get that. You can make six and a half / seven figures a year, and yet you have no common sense. DON'T.GET.IT.
I don't get why you know more as you get older, but things also become harder. Shouldn't I be able to know more about how finance works AND be able to do the splits? Shouldn't I be capable of excelling at personal and professional relationships AND be able to stay up all night without crying and/or puking? Don't get it. I don't get that one, and it's a real bummer.
Also, what I don't get is why I don't have the energy to finish this list of things that I don't get (aka generally things that bug me). I've been up since 5 and it's 11:00, which, is, like, the middle of the day almost. Hey, desk job, buddy: Let's go brew a pot! of coffee. fyi.
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