
Dear you started slow, you got what you wanted

So you expected nothing...and you got all this. What an experience to try something and come out the other side with so many tickets open. So many people listening. So many avenues to drive your new thing through. It's been a while now. Some years. Seems like it's still going for you. What an amazing case of "right place:right time" plus "right stuff". Your story is somewhat of a dream. And I love you and am inspired by you and want to see what you are ever to create in the future, but you must know: sometimes my ideas mean nothing because we are so much alike. And you got there first so I sound like I'm imitating. And I frankly don't know how to do anything else besides what I am inclined/know how to do, so I am at a bit of a loss. You told the story of the people I wanted to tell a story about. Back to one. You wrote the tone I wanted to share. Back to square one. I don't know what you want for yourself. Maybe you feel you're at one. Maybe you don't feel like you're anywhere at all. When to me it is so clear you are on a party boat off of Miami waiving "fuck you" to the rest of us not-so-goods in gold lamae. My standards aren't super high for success. But to me, you are doing it. And it seems your travels lead to experience and greatness.

Not the most eloquent, but for truth and in virtue the most honest

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