
A Tree Falls in Brooklyn: Precious Private Moments

I just did that thing where you go to sit on a chair, but the chair rolls out from under you and you fall to the floor in awkward slow-motion. And since I am all by myself and have spent most of the day wondering where the hell everyone I know is, and thinking that maybe I slept through all of Saturday and today is actually SUNday, and knocking myself in the head for inviting a strange bald man to a party and giving him my phone number which he is now using (Note to drunken self: just because someone else has experience dumpster diving and is also in awe of the all-freegan community doesn't make you automatic buddies, especially not when you're sober the next day), and wondering why I find the show Will & Grace cute and funny when most people I know find it offensive and counter-progressive, and feeling sad about the fact that I burn eggs no matter what I do every time I cook them & I should just eat a Popsicle instead---because of all of these things, once I slow-motion fell and attempted to brace myself on several things along the way down (the chair, a computer, this keyboard, a desk, the couch, & again the chair)once I was on the floor, in an awkward pile, I just sat there and laughed, out loud, at myself, all alone, for a very long time.

So if a girl falls in an apartment in Bushwick but no one's home because they're all elsewhere having fun without her, does anyone hear her laugh when she hits the floor?

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm kind of laughing now, but mostly I'm thinking that I will teach you how to cook eggs one of these days.