
The Good Things

--I have a job now. Yeah! Though I know a couple of days ago I had next to nothing, shortly after I wrote about the prospects of becoming a sexual service phone operator I got 2 job interviews. And I only went to one. And it worked out. I am moving up in the world. Thanks to the wife. Thanks wife! Purpose in this city step one.

--A friend of mine discovered he could break the lease on the closet he is renting in Union Square and within the last 48 hours we have realized we can be living together (and with numerous strangers to be determined at a latter date--look out, strangers) by the 1st. Amazing. Mama's going to have her real apartment, and not some place she has to crawl around in in the dark, making tubs of ramen at 4 in the morning when everyone else is asleep. And Mama can have a dog. Something is certainly right in the world.

--Also doing some writing with people who know their shit, which is both intimidating and amazing. But since alcohol is involved, hopefully at some point in the night they will be too drunk to realize how young and inexperienced I am, and that's when I will sic my opus on them. And by opus I mean the thing I am writing.

--After shouting enough the other night about feminism in music to a friend, he finally said "not all men are the same" even though last he spoke anything about males he said "all men are the same", but he agreed to listen to some "female" music and he likes it. Or at least I think he does. Call me a femi-nazi, but I still think that anyone who listens to predominantly male music has something to talk about. Well, some things never change. Just like boys never get over Kurt Cobain when they're 15, some girls have things that make them want to break things and scream and dance on roof tops no matter how old they become. Or maybe that's just me.

So, 3 great things. Sub-great thing: I will be getting a dog when I move! Hail something! This is news-worthy! Everyone knows I will be laughing and crying simultaneously for about a month once it happens. Ultimate cuteness party of the future.

On the other side sits the rest of my life, which can't be discussed. Just let's focus on the 3+ good things. And just let's sleep without worrying, or forgetting, or remembering too much, or drinking till we puke, or drinking so we never sleep, or sleeping with the wrong people, or don't sleep alone, or get to be alone and can't dig our way out, or get out but can't get back, or don't want to look back, or want the adventure but don't want the consequences, or forget there are any, or don't know what we're saying when we keep talking, and we keep talking because we're afraid to stop, but we don't know what we're talking about anymore, and by the time we realize where we are the sun is coming up, and we're not done, not done yet. And we're done denying things are important. And we're tired of apathy and irony. But maybe we're not. Maybe that's just me.

1 comment:

Starlet O'Hara said...

i resent the neglected mention in item two.

i am super excited for your other good things.