
Dear Questions


Is it wrong to let someone do something you know they'll immediately regret without at least talking to them about it?

Is it wrong to watch porn once you're not a 14 year old boy?

How come there is such a dissconnect between people needing others so badly, and never being able to "let anyone in"?

Why is it acceptable for one sex to do some things the other can't? Are we actually that unsolvably different?

If we don't need the appendix, why are we still born with it?

If everything can be labeled as a disease or disorder, why is it still considered "normal" to not be "troubled"?

Can we ever go back to just writing eachother letters through the mail?

If people with no real talent, passion, or education can still be considered artists, does that demean it for everyone else? How can it be fought?

Does putting the label "organic" or "natural" on something actually make it more nutritious? (I would say no, but people seem to buy it anyway).

Why does taking baby steps towards something feel like not moving at all? Are we moving?

Could someone please explain to me why anyone would wear Teeva sandals in the city if they are not going Urban Hiking? (comfort doesn't count).

Is there any way to make non-opressive white people feel as proud of their histories as everyone else? Can they be proud?

How do you know a high priced call girl when you see one? I saw a young not-so-bad-looking girl last night in my bar with the poor man's Kevin Spacey, and I mean POOR--and I'm not judging entirely based on looks, because this man was sitting close to me and he was about as active as a slug after three days of salt, and this girl was laughing at all of his really bad "so a rope walks into a bar" jokes like she hadn't heard them when she was seven. I'm pretty sure she was a call girl. Or I am underestimating the things that can connect and attract people to one another, in which case this question is really rude.

Why does it feel good to stay awake until 7 in the morning, but it feels so bad to wake up at 3?

How come almost always people feel less attracted to someone if they're being pursued by them? Is interest automatically converted into desparation and clinginess?

Why are the funniest jokes the ones you tell to yourself?

Can funny looking dogs actually be taken seriously?

If you don't have any clocks does that mean time doesn't exist?

Why does Zach Braff do Wendy's commercials? Is it a joke? Does he just not care about anything?

Do people like things because they actually like them, or because it makes them a certain way by liking them?

Can I be the man without being THE MAN?

If scent really is the strongest sence tied to memory, is sound second? Because the slightest thing...

Do your idols do shameful things? Should you have idols if you're not a 14 year old boy, also watching porn?

Full circle.

I've got to plug the clock in so I can wake up. I've got to find a way to fit more of myself into my days. And less work. Less TV. More finding the answers to the connundrums and everything else, more dancing, more working (my own), more reading, more just taking whatever I have and stretch stretch stretching it as far as it will go...

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