I've tried to start rolling cigarettes in an attempt to save money and smoke less. All this really means, however, is that my desk is always covered in tobacco flakes and I walk around smoking cigarettes that look like blunts and never stay lit.
I've taken a trip back in time (you know, about four years ago) and am listening to "The Execution of All Things", which still remains one of the most definitive albums for the 20-something alternative-college almost-hip-almost-unhip collective of people my age. If I was Zach Braff I'd have to put some of it in a movie. Which reminds me: please read the article about him on slate.com and follow the link to the reworking of the oh-so-memorable "this song will change your life" scene. It illuminates so many things.
A question has been presented: What really, is the difference between selfishness, and self-preservation? I confuse one for the other very easily and then I don't know if I'm being an asshole or good to myself. Could they be the same thing? That would be unfortunate. Ever faithful dictionary.com proved to be unhelpful in the matter, surprise surprise.
The thing about having something on your mind is that it makes it prodigiously impossible to engross yourself in writing about other things. At least for me. Because ultimately writing about something else is akin to not wanting to admit what's actually going on. No, not akin, I suppose that's just what it is. It feels like some form of dishonesty. Sometimes I feel like the carpenter who wants to own his own house but doesn't want to build it. The reason he doesn't want to build it is that he discovers he's forgotten how. So I suppose I feel like I'm sitting on an empty plot of land with a shit ton of 2x4's and no where to go with them.
In other news, Thursday nights Mr. Archer and I have dedicated ourselves to "bringing it back" (you know, "it"), and therefore will be dancing until 5 am. Anyone interested in getting back to what's good should come over. It being in my room I can assure you that you will not have to try and dance to "Golddigger" for the 137,689th time.
In other news, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American classic and should be immediately rewatched by everyone. Phrases like "What a homeless" really need to be reintegrated into our culture.
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