

I don't know what's happening. I only know this: When I try to log into my harmless blog, the website tells me I now need a google account.

When I enter my google account it tells me to make a new profile. No, I say. I have a profile. I'd like that one please.

When I enter my blog profile it tells me I'm wrong.

We go around in these flirtatious circles until generally I give up or reset something in the desparation that I'll make the problem go away.

It never works.

Now I don't know what I've done, but I'll tell you it just informed me I'm not ALLOWED to make a google account (make up your fucking mind, you fucking machine). Not allowed to make one when I already have one, and not allowed to use the one set up to this account because it's NOT google. I don't even know how I logged on just now.

So if you don't see me blogging for a while, America (all 2 or 3 of yalls), please help me defeat the google.

That nasty, nasty computer machine.

Shame on you, google. BIG, big shame.